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I'll help you source the best products and ingredients for your health & wellness! 


Finding Berkey Water Filter was one of the best things and decisions that happened in my kitchen and wellness journey!


Check out video below to learn about this amazing REAL filter. 

PLUS get your special offer when ordering yours to change your life as well!

To order in Egypt:

As the Berkey Ambassador in Egypt, get exclusive free berkey glass bottle + free shipping on any Berkey size by mentioning Nour From Nature code: NB012 when you order your filter

from Berkey Egypt, official distributor. Order here




























Code: NB012

  for in Egypt orders


For Egyptians: If you haven't tried Tabi3y fresh produce yet, you're missing a lot!

Tabi3y chemical-free farm grows your food with care and love that you can really feel in their produce. 

Affordability, healthiness, cleanliness and friendliness. What would you want more? ;)  

To get Tabi3y in Egypt:

Contact Tabi3y farm here and get convenient home delivery fresh from the farm! 

You can also find their distribution grocery stores here.


Nour's Health & Happiness Box

"La Boîte de Santé et Joie" 

Find availability worldwide below! 

I'm finally launching my baby project that I've been dreaming of years and years ago! 


From your ambassador of health and happiness, here's a delightful box of clean food put together with love and care to guarantee health, wellness and happiness!

(Happy reading! It totally worth it - I promise :) 


This idea came to me as I was always astonished with the "sick" food available at hospitals including the hospital cafeterias and gift shops. It's just full of junk food, loads of artificial candies and tons of processed sugars. It seems to me that the goal is to just make people more and more sick! 


What about the energy of the cooks who prepare the food at such facilities. They are mostly exhausted, tired and bored of what they're doing. Never underestimate the energy put in the food you eat or feed someone us. 


The food offered at a supposedly "healing" facility is void of any nourishment whatsoever. And what do people do when they visit their loved ones who need medical care? Get them chocolates, chips and candies ( just realized now that they all start with a 'c'! ) from the gift shop and wish them wellness. OK. 


There's obviously something wrong and it's not just at hospitals and the healthcare system, it's everywhere when you notice what people think of eating or getting for a celebration or good wishes. It's also in the idea of candies that many plant in the minds of kids as a reward. How can feeding our bodies and our loved ones with simply "dead" food make us "alive"?


Shouldn't well wishes and celebrations be full of wellness and happiness?

Don't we wish health to a sick person, a happy healthy new year at birthdays and blessed happy beginnings at new careers? Shouldn't eating clean be a lifestyle and not just at events anyways?  


Well.... that's what made me come up with this idea. This is simply a wooden natural crate that has REAL well wishes within. It contains all organic clean food and herbal teas. It's mostly finger-foods to make the process of enjoying it faster.

It's seasonal. It's local. It's fair-trade, GMO-free, hormones-free and chemical-free.

It makes you free indeed!


La Boîte de Santé et Joie is coming your way! 

Now available for pick up in

  • Canada (Vancouver Island: Victoria - Sooke - Metchosin - Langford - Shirley, Vancouver, Ontario) 

  • USA (New Jersey, Connecticut, California, New York, Kentucky, Maryland, Florida) 

  • The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Delft) 

  • Egypt (Cairo, 6th October, Alexandria) 

  • UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi) 


 Contact Nour to order/customize your box of health and happiness. Contents of the box are customized. I'm hoping to soon have the Box of Health & Happiness available at hospitals. 

Want to bring La Boîte de Santé et Joie to your area? Get in touch with Nour here 

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